This network is a platform, a model designed to help the emergence of singular and innovative artistic projects specificly imagined and created for natural sites, green spaces or rural areas.
A Laboratory
The Green Carpet has been concieved as a laboratory which aims is to interrogate how the artistic creation can explore the challenges facing society.
Shared values
Our network is open to artistic projects trying to integrate knowledge of nature, rethinking how people relate to society and that impacts on the environment.
This network aims to be a CREATION ACCELERATOR, a shared thought laboratory, a new dynamic to imagine how inhabitants/citizens of a euro-region can work together to participate in cultural collaboration.

Former projects
2018: Les Souffleurs commandos poétiques (FR)
"Corniches / Heaume-Animal".
View the publication
2021: Red Herring (GB)
"The Withlers"

The Green Carpet partners:
Naast de huidige 2 partners werd het initiële netwerk ondersteund door Activate Performing Arts (GB) en Le Citron Jaune - Centre National des Arts de la Rue (FR).
Het netwerk wordt momenteel vernieuwd met KoresponDance (CZ), Passage Festival (DK) en Mirabilia (FR).